


Are you curious to learn more about what’s going on at RDN and within our network of 18 regional English-speaking organizations across Québec? Check out our latest news articles, press releases, member spotlights, and more.

Woman on her bed scrolling through her phone
Logo of Voice of English Speaking Quebec

Voice of English-speaking Québec (VEQ)

VEQ is an autonomous, non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of a dynamic English-speaking community in the Greater Québec and Chaudière-Appalaches regions and to the promotion of its interests.

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Logo Vision Gaspé–Percé Now

Vision Gaspé-Percé Now

Vision Gaspé-Percé Now is a non-profit organization founded in 2004. It continues to work with and on behalf of the English-speaking community from Manche d’Épée to Corner of the Beach.

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Logo of Townshippers’ Association

Townshippers’ Association

Founded in 1979, Townshippers’ Association has been at the forefront of community engagement for over forty years. Townshippers’ Association’s projects address heritage and culture, community development, access to health and

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MECN (Montérégie West Community Network) logo

Montérégie West Community Network (MWCN)

MWCN is a community organization that brings together individuals, community groups, public organizations, professionals, and businesses; encourages lifelong learning; and promotes improved access to health and social services.

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Logo of Heritage Lower Saint Lawrence

Heritage Lower Saint Lawrence (HLSL)

Heritage Lower Saint Lawrence works to foster and maintain the vitality of the English-speaking communities in their region via consultation, representation, networking, advocacy, and facilitating access to services and activities

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